
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Written below are clues for juniors who will be sitting OSCEs in Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry, Orthopedics, Rheumatology;

Station 1: Xray of fracture neck of femur.
-Give proper diagnosis, staging according to Garden's and Pauwell's classification, and proper management for the patient.
-Also, the most common complication of this fracture.

Station 2: Xray of supracondylar fracture.
-Give proper diagnosis, and its type of fracture.
-most common nerve injury in this fracture
-Most common complication of this fracture
-Volksmann's contracture: give the criteria of diagnosis, and the most specific test to confirm the dx
-ways to prevent Volksmann's contracture.

Station 3: Shizophrenia
-take history from patient, give probable diagnosis
-what type of delusion the patient is having
-is the patient oriented & comment about the insight, also patient's function to daily activity

Station 4: Rheumatology
-Boutunneire's deformity: its Dx
-malar rash; Dx, most sensitive investigation
-kyphosis; dx, how rheumatoid factor associated with dss

Station 5: Bipolar Dss
-take history, give probable diagnosis
-types of bipolar dss

Station 6: Ischemic stroke
-take history and give probable diagnosis
-proper investigation
-proper management
-ask the questions asked by the patient

Station 7: Extrapyramidal dss (Parkinson's Dss)
-comment regarding patient's face
-comment about muscle tone, knee reflex
-babinski +ve or not
-different types of tremor
-treatment of this disease

Station 8: CT brain intracerebral hge
-list the causes
-mechanism of injury
-management for this pt

Station 9: Sciatica L4/L5
-do the sensory and motor exam for affected root
-affected muscle?
-DD of sciatica
-management of this case

Station 10: CT brain epidural hge
-origin of blood
-mechanism of injury

Studying in semester 9 requires full attendance to all clinical round, seminar, lectures and skills lab. MCQ questions DOES NOT necessarily comes from the lectures. Most of neurology questions in MCQ comes from the clinical round we attend everyday. To remember cases easily, one should be hardworking enough to wait for doctors and follow him in his daily ward round to know how the case presents, and how it is managed. Though psychiatric rounds might be boring, the exposure is worth it.

Remember! this semester has a looooooooooot of things to be studied! So no last minute study and last minute notes-completing..

Lastly, all the best! ngee..

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