
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dalam bahasa arab, kalau nak cakap terima kasih, kata 'Syukran'. Orang akan balas balik, kata 'afwan'. Tapi adat orang sini, bila kita kata 'syukran', dorang akan balas balik 'syukrillah'. Syukur ke atas Allah. Simple perkataannya, tapi maksudnya dalam. Harap jangan hanya berkata-kata dan mendengar saja, biar dizahirkan dalam perbuatan sehari-harian.

"Dan (ingatlah juga) tatkala Tuhanmu memaklumkan: Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Kami akan menambah (nikmat) kepadamu, dan jika kamu mengingkari (nikmatKu), maka sesungguhnya azab Ku sangat pedih " Ibrahim ayat 7

Macam yang sy pernah tulis dulu,
[Tidak ada yang menghairankan dalam "MEREKA MENCINTAINYA" tetapi yang menghairankan adalah "DIA MENCINTAI MEREKA"..Dia yang menjadikan, memberi rezeki, melindungi dan memberi anugerahNya kepada mereka, tetapi Dia juga mencintai mereka.]

Besarnya cinta Allah pada kita. Kita saja yang selalu lalai dan lupa.

Gambar ni diambil di depan Kuliah Tibb, Universiti Mansurah. Tapak ni tapak kosong antara dua bangunan. Dijadikan tempat pengumpulan sampah. Di dataran yang kosong tu tiba2 ada sebuah rumah yang dibina berasaskan kotak, kaca, zink terbuang. Ini baru namanya rumah kotak. Ada penghuninya.

Kesian bila tengok orang yang tinggal dalam kedhaifan macam ni, tapi kesian dengan yang ini, banyak lagi yang tak berumah, tidur di tepi2 jalan. Sekarang musim sejuk dah menghampiri. Macam mana agaknya mereka yang kurang bernasib baik ni hidup dalam kesejukan..

"Ya Tuhanku, tunjukkilah aku untuk mensyukuri nikmat Engkau yang telah Engkau berikan kepadaku dan kedua ibubapaku dan supaya aku dapat berbuat amal yang soleh yang Engkau redhai, berilah kebaikan kepadaku dengan (memberi kebaikan) kepada anak cucuku. Sesungguhnya aku bertaubat kepada Engkau dan sesungguhnya aku termasuk orang-orang yang berserah diri."

Gambar ni diambil di rumah junior. Box elektrik terbakar. Kata adik, kejadian berlaku pukul 9 pagi. Tiba2 nampak samar2 cahaya kat ruang tamu. Lampu bilik pun berkelip2 nak mati. Rup-rupanya kat ruang tamu, box elektrik dah berapi2..

Pintu dekat box elektrik tu pintu keluar masuk rumah. SYUKUR waktu masing2 berselimut keluar dari pintu tu, takda yang cedera. SYUKUR jugak box gas dan saluran gas yang melintang sepanjang dinding tu tak bocor dan meletup! Allah sayang sangat dengan hambaNya..

Gambar ni pulak gambar terbaru. Kelahiran putera sulung kawan saya yang manis, Puan Tina. hehe. SYUKUR Muhammad Adam Syafi bin Ahmad Fadhil dah selamat lahir ke dunia. Baby 4 bulan kat belakang tu pulak baby kepada Puan Quia, Aqil Waiedz bin Abdul Rahman. Hidup kami di sini diceriakan dengan kelahiran baby2 comel.. Syukur. Nikmat Allah bagi :)


Monday, October 17, 2011

Lirik nasyid ni memang best, tapi lagu dia tak berapa syhadu. Tak layan sangat.
Cintu itu cahaya sanubari. Allah yang bagi. Dia tiupkan ke hati hambaNya supaya ada rasa kasih dan sayang, supaya dunia aman sejahtera, tenang. Bukan semua dikurniakan cinta pada masa yang dikehendaki, maka syukurilah anugerah yang datang. Mungkin naik mungkin turun rasa cinta di hati, hakikat manusia kerdil dan kecil.

Beristikharahlah kita dalam apa jugak keputusan yang akan diambil. Percaya yang Allah maha tahu, maha adil. Semoga yang keruh dijernihkan, yang kabur diterangkan, yang jauh didekatkan, yang tersembunyi dizahirkan. Pintaku ya Rabbi, tunjukkan. Sabar itu payah, susah. Tapi bersabarlah, takkan terasa harum mewangi jika tak dinyalakan setanggi, takkan terasa manisnya hidup andai tak dilambung gelora.

Gelora dalam hati. Susah dilisankan, sukar dilafazkan. Min albi ilaa albi. Dari hati ke hati, pasti ada yang mengerti. Isk..

Bukankah Tuhan ciptakan malam untuk beradu menanti siang. Bukankah Tuhan titiskan hujan menanti limpah kemarau panjang..?

Baik sibukkan diri dengan study. Exam pun dah menghampiri. Cuma seminggu jaraknya kini untuk meninggalkan ENT. Bakal datang ophtalmology, andrology, dermatology, reasearch and methodology. Tidak lama lagi pelayaran ini. Cuma setahun lagi. Cabaran di hadapan kita tak ketahui. Mungkin lebih dari yang diuji ketika ini.

Ayep, Cik Pah mau ayep ni. Pengubat luka penghibur lara, ayep si jantung hati. Nyummy datang la sini. .

Kenapa pipi ayep begitu bulat sehingga boleh digigit haa..
Ayep, persalinan silk dari china dah dapat. Why not balik nanti aunty buy for u sepersalinan arab pulak. Nak? Ngehee.

Sayang-sayang ayep, sayang-sayang aunty :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

This is Umm Kulthum. Or pronounced Ummu Kalsum. She is a great star of Egypt back in the 50's. She sang classical Arabic songs and was very talented; as she could reach both the lowest and highest tone possible. She was also a songwriter and an actress. She was born in 1898 and passed in 1975, after years of fame and great achievements. More than 3 decades after her death, she is widely regarded as the greatest female singer in Arab music history.

In a memory of her death, Egypt has built 2 statues of hers, one in Cairo and another one in Mansoura. I was told that Egyptians appreciated her contributions so much because she had helped inspiring previous leaders for freedom & peace. So she is also a nationalist.

Why talk about her?
Of course I'm going to relate her to medicine.

What's with her past medical condition?
She was known a sufferer of 'hyperthyroidism', a hyper-function of thyroid gland disease.

What is thyroid gland and what is its function?
Thyroid gland is a gland located in front of our neck. It functions to metabolize food, growth, increase sensitivity for adrenaline function, helps mental development .....

she kept wearing her dark glasses to hide her bulging eyes and staring gaze

Having this gland hyper-function, symptoms which may develop includes; awareness of heart beat, excessive sweating, hotness, trembling hands, weight loss, inability to sleep, staring gaze ...

This is the thyroid gland anatomy

Generally, people who suffers this condition could be treated by drugs, or surgery. But I guess there was no available drugs back then. Patients are always treated by surgery in her era.

She actually refused surgery to relieve her symptoms because surgical thyroidectomy (removal of the thyroid gland by operation) is the most common cause of unilateral vocal cord paralysis; from injury of recurrent laryngeal nerve or vagus nerve during the surgery.

Vocal cord is where our voices are produced. Its malfunction may cause changing of voice or as far as losing it. She refused to get this surgery done because of this known complication. (if she was u, would u rather die than risking your voice ? is it worth losing your life ?). Maybe she had her own reason(s). What would yours be?

She lived with this disease for most of her years and died of it. (hyperthyroidism give much burden to the heart. most patients died of heart failure)

vocal cord

staring eyes in hyperthyroidism

neck swelling in hyperthyroidism

Another disease regarding thyroid gland is its hypo-function, termed 'hypothyroidism'. Hypo-function of this gland causes symptoms like; weight gain, cold intolerance, idiot looking face, dry skin, depression, irritability, constipation...

Oprah Winfrey had this disease. She was diagnosed and treated, and she turns slimmer!



Beware of your health, and seek for medical advice as soon as you felt something is not right. It never hurts to be careful.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

It was a long day at kuliyyah. It's almost 3 which indicates Asar prayer is near, but I haven't perform Zohor. More importantly, I have to go to a bookstore nearby to buy an ENT book recommended by our doctor which means rushing home for Zohor is not a choice. So, we (with my housemate) decided to perform the obligation upon His call first, then settle with the book thing.


On our way to the bookstore, we passed by a local restaurant selling 'syawirma' or so called 'kebab'. Since it was long that we both have not eaten this kinda food, with our stomach empty, we say why not grab a bite..

how is this syawirma not tempting..

So there we are, ordering 2 Syawirma, 1 Bechamel, and 1 bottle of mineral water. It was strange that the Arabs keep staring while we enter the dining hall-- maybe it was the first time Malaysian ever stepped into the restaurant. (in our neighborhood of medical students' houses, most never glance at arabic restaurants especially this one which is not so classy. It's always KFC or Pizza Hut or Mo'men or Cook Door , or Slamlek.. etc etc)

While passing by 2 guys which sat near the window facing hospitals, (which I need to cross to go the washroom) they smiled nicely and offered to join them eat.
Of course, I said Syukran, tafaddhal. Thanks, please proceed, then return to my seat.

We eat and we chat and we laugh and we took some photos, and chat and chat and chat till the plates are empty.

Once again, we alternately went to the washroom and then prepare to leave, when the waiter suddenly came to our table and say 'please, sit down'.

We thought he was going to take the bills for payment. Instead, he came with two cans of Coke and serve them in front of us.

: Ihna musy aizin cola. We didn't ask for those..
: (with his egyptian-english) Those two gentlemen over there want to give u this. (pointing to the table of the 2 guys)

What the ?!!

I don't know why it was so embarrassing to look at those guys this time..
We were like covering our faces which blushed~ but we manage to wave as sign of saying our thanks.
That was nice of them to treat an outsiders this way.

This never happen to me before. I suddenly felt like a single lonely girl sitting in a bar, who is offered drinks by a desperate man, as seen on TV! haha

hehe that was it.. and yeah we went to buy the books afterwards of course.
The moral of the story is-- be nice to others so others will be nice to u :)
I suddenly forgot how much I hate it staying here. hehe

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