
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ophthalmology rounds.
In class today, we were discussing about causes of acute red painful eyes. I mean red eye as in inflamed eye.

eye anatomy for dummies :P

Eye appears red simply because of dilated blood vessels. Blood vessel are usually very thin and rarely seen in normal people. The big groups on classifying the red eye or sometimes called pink eye is classified into; conjuctivitis (inflammation of conjunctiva) or cyclitis (inflammation of ciliary body).

Conjuctivitis' red eye is much more 'redder' than cyclitis simply because conjuctiva lies most superficial in eye anatomy, whereas ciliary body lies deeper. And simply to differentiate them both, just observe where the vessels come from; from around the iris outward, or the other way around. Of course the latter points to cyclitis....(hurm, enough about this details)

One thing interesting: Doc asks, 'have u seen the eyes of actors in movies? They are very white, clean & clear, right? Is it natural? Noooooo.. they keep putting eye drops to shrink the vessels so it wont be seen, like ours.. but it wont stay long. There is something called 'rebound hyperemia'. At one point, their eye vessel will dilate to the point more than normal people does. You got served!
red (inflammed eye)

Of many2 causes listed, our doctor raised a question that patient may come and complained of, which sounds. "my child doesn't have red eyes".. And I got myself thinking, why come complaining when there's nothing wrong about your child?

They were actually talking about the red eye effects when you capture photos with flash. It is called the 'red reflex'. As we all experienced, our eyes will turn red in photos. How annoying.. but after reading the description below, think again!

Red reflex is the reflection of light from outside into the layer beneath retina which is rich in blood supply. To reach this, one's eye need to be clear, and blood vessels should be normal. As the name suggest, red reflex reflects red / orange color from the layer rich in blood (the choroid). This is what happen in normal person.

cutie pie.. anak ust sabli yg comel. (note the red eye effect)

A diseased person may lost this reflex and substituted by another reflex called the 'white reflex'.
This reflex reflects white color when shone light. This happens in conditions like cataracts, retinoblastoma, retinal infection, or retinal detachment. I just want to stress on retinoblastoma because its the most common cause of ocular malignancy in childhood. As other cancer, it is caused by mutated gene. Although not highly fatal, it can cause malfunction of the eye.

Other than red and white reflex, there's also a 'black reflex'.. Scarring and bleeding inside eye can block the transmission of light and reflect no light at all. simply that.

normal right eye, and white reflex in the left

So try capturing your own photo. See if both reflects red or not :))
I guess that's all..

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A motivational talk for the future doctors by Dr Mohamed Hatta Mohamed Tarmizi, an O&G specialist from Hospital Likas, Kota Kinabalu. What's more exciting is that he is a graduate from Mansoura University, the university where i'm pursuing my dream at. A very great motivator he is.

Being a foreign medical student who are already labelled by the locals beforehand as incompetent, he advised us all not to feel inferior when facing challenges during houseman-ship.

"What u learn and what they learned are the same, the only thing they knew better is the system hospitals in Malaysia are using. That's why u see they can adapt faster. Regarding knowledge, medics syllabus are all the same. "

He already went through the hardships and so many of our seniors regardless where they graduated from, so why worry? If they can make it through, why can't we? And even if they couldn't make it, why not believe in our strength to strive it?-- this is all him talking.

Being a doctor is all about sacrifice, I guess if it wasn't us, who else will volunteer to a job this torturing.. Allah had chosen us for a reason. He knew best!

The 5 most important thing a doctor should have are;






And everything above all, remember your creator~ always!

Acquire this all and you are good to go!

Stop the progression of ACUTE ON TOP OF CHRONIC MANJANITIS among us!

Recite the Quran, not only read them.

This talk was organized by an NGO organization called I-Medik 'Malaysian Muslim Medical Solidarity', one of ISMA's chain.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dalam bahasa arab, kalau nak cakap terima kasih, kata 'Syukran'. Orang akan balas balik, kata 'afwan'. Tapi adat orang sini, bila kita kata 'syukran', dorang akan balas balik 'syukrillah'. Syukur ke atas Allah. Simple perkataannya, tapi maksudnya dalam. Harap jangan hanya berkata-kata dan mendengar saja, biar dizahirkan dalam perbuatan sehari-harian.

"Dan (ingatlah juga) tatkala Tuhanmu memaklumkan: Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Kami akan menambah (nikmat) kepadamu, dan jika kamu mengingkari (nikmatKu), maka sesungguhnya azab Ku sangat pedih " Ibrahim ayat 7

Macam yang sy pernah tulis dulu,
[Tidak ada yang menghairankan dalam "MEREKA MENCINTAINYA" tetapi yang menghairankan adalah "DIA MENCINTAI MEREKA"..Dia yang menjadikan, memberi rezeki, melindungi dan memberi anugerahNya kepada mereka, tetapi Dia juga mencintai mereka.]

Besarnya cinta Allah pada kita. Kita saja yang selalu lalai dan lupa.

Gambar ni diambil di depan Kuliah Tibb, Universiti Mansurah. Tapak ni tapak kosong antara dua bangunan. Dijadikan tempat pengumpulan sampah. Di dataran yang kosong tu tiba2 ada sebuah rumah yang dibina berasaskan kotak, kaca, zink terbuang. Ini baru namanya rumah kotak. Ada penghuninya.

Kesian bila tengok orang yang tinggal dalam kedhaifan macam ni, tapi kesian dengan yang ini, banyak lagi yang tak berumah, tidur di tepi2 jalan. Sekarang musim sejuk dah menghampiri. Macam mana agaknya mereka yang kurang bernasib baik ni hidup dalam kesejukan..

"Ya Tuhanku, tunjukkilah aku untuk mensyukuri nikmat Engkau yang telah Engkau berikan kepadaku dan kedua ibubapaku dan supaya aku dapat berbuat amal yang soleh yang Engkau redhai, berilah kebaikan kepadaku dengan (memberi kebaikan) kepada anak cucuku. Sesungguhnya aku bertaubat kepada Engkau dan sesungguhnya aku termasuk orang-orang yang berserah diri."

Gambar ni diambil di rumah junior. Box elektrik terbakar. Kata adik, kejadian berlaku pukul 9 pagi. Tiba2 nampak samar2 cahaya kat ruang tamu. Lampu bilik pun berkelip2 nak mati. Rup-rupanya kat ruang tamu, box elektrik dah berapi2..

Pintu dekat box elektrik tu pintu keluar masuk rumah. SYUKUR waktu masing2 berselimut keluar dari pintu tu, takda yang cedera. SYUKUR jugak box gas dan saluran gas yang melintang sepanjang dinding tu tak bocor dan meletup! Allah sayang sangat dengan hambaNya..

Gambar ni pulak gambar terbaru. Kelahiran putera sulung kawan saya yang manis, Puan Tina. hehe. SYUKUR Muhammad Adam Syafi bin Ahmad Fadhil dah selamat lahir ke dunia. Baby 4 bulan kat belakang tu pulak baby kepada Puan Quia, Aqil Waiedz bin Abdul Rahman. Hidup kami di sini diceriakan dengan kelahiran baby2 comel.. Syukur. Nikmat Allah bagi :)


Monday, October 17, 2011

Lirik nasyid ni memang best, tapi lagu dia tak berapa syhadu. Tak layan sangat.
Cintu itu cahaya sanubari. Allah yang bagi. Dia tiupkan ke hati hambaNya supaya ada rasa kasih dan sayang, supaya dunia aman sejahtera, tenang. Bukan semua dikurniakan cinta pada masa yang dikehendaki, maka syukurilah anugerah yang datang. Mungkin naik mungkin turun rasa cinta di hati, hakikat manusia kerdil dan kecil.

Beristikharahlah kita dalam apa jugak keputusan yang akan diambil. Percaya yang Allah maha tahu, maha adil. Semoga yang keruh dijernihkan, yang kabur diterangkan, yang jauh didekatkan, yang tersembunyi dizahirkan. Pintaku ya Rabbi, tunjukkan. Sabar itu payah, susah. Tapi bersabarlah, takkan terasa harum mewangi jika tak dinyalakan setanggi, takkan terasa manisnya hidup andai tak dilambung gelora.

Gelora dalam hati. Susah dilisankan, sukar dilafazkan. Min albi ilaa albi. Dari hati ke hati, pasti ada yang mengerti. Isk..

Bukankah Tuhan ciptakan malam untuk beradu menanti siang. Bukankah Tuhan titiskan hujan menanti limpah kemarau panjang..?

Baik sibukkan diri dengan study. Exam pun dah menghampiri. Cuma seminggu jaraknya kini untuk meninggalkan ENT. Bakal datang ophtalmology, andrology, dermatology, reasearch and methodology. Tidak lama lagi pelayaran ini. Cuma setahun lagi. Cabaran di hadapan kita tak ketahui. Mungkin lebih dari yang diuji ketika ini.

Ayep, Cik Pah mau ayep ni. Pengubat luka penghibur lara, ayep si jantung hati. Nyummy datang la sini. .

Kenapa pipi ayep begitu bulat sehingga boleh digigit haa..
Ayep, persalinan silk dari china dah dapat. Why not balik nanti aunty buy for u sepersalinan arab pulak. Nak? Ngehee.

Sayang-sayang ayep, sayang-sayang aunty :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

This is Umm Kulthum. Or pronounced Ummu Kalsum. She is a great star of Egypt back in the 50's. She sang classical Arabic songs and was very talented; as she could reach both the lowest and highest tone possible. She was also a songwriter and an actress. She was born in 1898 and passed in 1975, after years of fame and great achievements. More than 3 decades after her death, she is widely regarded as the greatest female singer in Arab music history.

In a memory of her death, Egypt has built 2 statues of hers, one in Cairo and another one in Mansoura. I was told that Egyptians appreciated her contributions so much because she had helped inspiring previous leaders for freedom & peace. So she is also a nationalist.

Why talk about her?
Of course I'm going to relate her to medicine.

What's with her past medical condition?
She was known a sufferer of 'hyperthyroidism', a hyper-function of thyroid gland disease.

What is thyroid gland and what is its function?
Thyroid gland is a gland located in front of our neck. It functions to metabolize food, growth, increase sensitivity for adrenaline function, helps mental development .....

she kept wearing her dark glasses to hide her bulging eyes and staring gaze

Having this gland hyper-function, symptoms which may develop includes; awareness of heart beat, excessive sweating, hotness, trembling hands, weight loss, inability to sleep, staring gaze ...

This is the thyroid gland anatomy

Generally, people who suffers this condition could be treated by drugs, or surgery. But I guess there was no available drugs back then. Patients are always treated by surgery in her era.

She actually refused surgery to relieve her symptoms because surgical thyroidectomy (removal of the thyroid gland by operation) is the most common cause of unilateral vocal cord paralysis; from injury of recurrent laryngeal nerve or vagus nerve during the surgery.

Vocal cord is where our voices are produced. Its malfunction may cause changing of voice or as far as losing it. She refused to get this surgery done because of this known complication. (if she was u, would u rather die than risking your voice ? is it worth losing your life ?). Maybe she had her own reason(s). What would yours be?

She lived with this disease for most of her years and died of it. (hyperthyroidism give much burden to the heart. most patients died of heart failure)

vocal cord

staring eyes in hyperthyroidism

neck swelling in hyperthyroidism

Another disease regarding thyroid gland is its hypo-function, termed 'hypothyroidism'. Hypo-function of this gland causes symptoms like; weight gain, cold intolerance, idiot looking face, dry skin, depression, irritability, constipation...

Oprah Winfrey had this disease. She was diagnosed and treated, and she turns slimmer!



Beware of your health, and seek for medical advice as soon as you felt something is not right. It never hurts to be careful.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

It was a long day at kuliyyah. It's almost 3 which indicates Asar prayer is near, but I haven't perform Zohor. More importantly, I have to go to a bookstore nearby to buy an ENT book recommended by our doctor which means rushing home for Zohor is not a choice. So, we (with my housemate) decided to perform the obligation upon His call first, then settle with the book thing.


On our way to the bookstore, we passed by a local restaurant selling 'syawirma' or so called 'kebab'. Since it was long that we both have not eaten this kinda food, with our stomach empty, we say why not grab a bite..

how is this syawirma not tempting..

So there we are, ordering 2 Syawirma, 1 Bechamel, and 1 bottle of mineral water. It was strange that the Arabs keep staring while we enter the dining hall-- maybe it was the first time Malaysian ever stepped into the restaurant. (in our neighborhood of medical students' houses, most never glance at arabic restaurants especially this one which is not so classy. It's always KFC or Pizza Hut or Mo'men or Cook Door , or Slamlek.. etc etc)

While passing by 2 guys which sat near the window facing hospitals, (which I need to cross to go the washroom) they smiled nicely and offered to join them eat.
Of course, I said Syukran, tafaddhal. Thanks, please proceed, then return to my seat.

We eat and we chat and we laugh and we took some photos, and chat and chat and chat till the plates are empty.

Once again, we alternately went to the washroom and then prepare to leave, when the waiter suddenly came to our table and say 'please, sit down'.

We thought he was going to take the bills for payment. Instead, he came with two cans of Coke and serve them in front of us.

: Ihna musy aizin cola. We didn't ask for those..
: (with his egyptian-english) Those two gentlemen over there want to give u this. (pointing to the table of the 2 guys)

What the ?!!

I don't know why it was so embarrassing to look at those guys this time..
We were like covering our faces which blushed~ but we manage to wave as sign of saying our thanks.
That was nice of them to treat an outsiders this way.

This never happen to me before. I suddenly felt like a single lonely girl sitting in a bar, who is offered drinks by a desperate man, as seen on TV! haha

hehe that was it.. and yeah we went to buy the books afterwards of course.
The moral of the story is-- be nice to others so others will be nice to u :)
I suddenly forgot how much I hate it staying here. hehe

Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Apabila datang meminang kepada kamu orang yang kamu redhai agama dan akhlaknya maka hendaklah kamu kahwini akan dia, jika kamu tidak melakukannya nescaya akan berlaku fitnah di atas muka bumi dan kerosakan yang besar"
(Riwayat al-Tarmizi)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Written below are clues for juniors who will be sitting OSCEs in Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry, Orthopedics, Rheumatology;

Station 1: Xray of fracture neck of femur.
-Give proper diagnosis, staging according to Garden's and Pauwell's classification, and proper management for the patient.
-Also, the most common complication of this fracture.

Station 2: Xray of supracondylar fracture.
-Give proper diagnosis, and its type of fracture.
-most common nerve injury in this fracture
-Most common complication of this fracture
-Volksmann's contracture: give the criteria of diagnosis, and the most specific test to confirm the dx
-ways to prevent Volksmann's contracture.

Station 3: Shizophrenia
-take history from patient, give probable diagnosis
-what type of delusion the patient is having
-is the patient oriented & comment about the insight, also patient's function to daily activity

Station 4: Rheumatology
-Boutunneire's deformity: its Dx
-malar rash; Dx, most sensitive investigation
-kyphosis; dx, how rheumatoid factor associated with dss

Station 5: Bipolar Dss
-take history, give probable diagnosis
-types of bipolar dss

Station 6: Ischemic stroke
-take history and give probable diagnosis
-proper investigation
-proper management
-ask the questions asked by the patient

Station 7: Extrapyramidal dss (Parkinson's Dss)
-comment regarding patient's face
-comment about muscle tone, knee reflex
-babinski +ve or not
-different types of tremor
-treatment of this disease

Station 8: CT brain intracerebral hge
-list the causes
-mechanism of injury
-management for this pt

Station 9: Sciatica L4/L5
-do the sensory and motor exam for affected root
-affected muscle?
-DD of sciatica
-management of this case

Station 10: CT brain epidural hge
-origin of blood
-mechanism of injury

Studying in semester 9 requires full attendance to all clinical round, seminar, lectures and skills lab. MCQ questions DOES NOT necessarily comes from the lectures. Most of neurology questions in MCQ comes from the clinical round we attend everyday. To remember cases easily, one should be hardworking enough to wait for doctors and follow him in his daily ward round to know how the case presents, and how it is managed. Though psychiatric rounds might be boring, the exposure is worth it.

Remember! this semester has a looooooooooot of things to be studied! So no last minute study and last minute notes-completing..

Lastly, all the best! ngee..

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

For my Abah, Mr Sainuri Hj Yahmin.

I don't have a typical story to write regarding how much u have to suffer to get us something to eat, because u are well educated; and that good job, great salary always awaits u. I also don't have a story of how I behave against your word, because as far as I know, I've always been a good daughter to u :P. Hurmm, and I also don't have a story of how u tried to console me when I did not get what I wanted, because u always thought us of how to be thankful with things we already had. I never cried under your arms because u have always thought me to be strong.

I might not remember how things were when I was little, but there are some recent memories I remembered about u.

Your first forehead kiss right before u travel to Hajj with mak when I was in high school. I cried all the way to Amat's school and home.

The time u show me your Master certificate and ask me to have one too, when I was in Matriks. (which I knew I already disappointed u with my bad marks)

The moment u say "I know it's hard for u to live and study here, I wish I could help make your surrounding better" right before u, mak and akak flew back from visiting me in Egypt.

I might not cry in front of u because of my guilt of having bad marks in Matriks, but I really am sorry from the bottom of my heart. I promise I'll never make u sad anymore.
U also might not see/ hear me cry because i misses u and the whole family whenever I am far but I always did. I cried everytime I left for KL to flew back to Egypt. I cried my eyes out when u all went back from visiting me here.
And in fact I am crying right now, writing this post after mak told me u look sad when none of your children wished u on Father's Day. I am sorry I did it again. Truly am. Also on behalf of the others.
U might never heard me say I love u, but I do.

Without u I won't be having this good background of religion & great school education in one of the best school in Sabah. Without u I won't be having this opportunity to further my studies in this country. Without u I won't be having this comfortable house and life I've been living in. Without u I won't be having good attitude that I get from u. Without u I am nobody.

Thank You for being such a wonderful father. And I'm really sorry for the all the things I did wrong. Happy Father's Day, Abah. I wish u all happiness in the world.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Female pt, 24 yo, 2 weeks history of cubitus (elbow region) itchiness of gradual onset and progressive course. On examination, cubitus appear inflammed, red, raised on palpation.

hehe.. above is brief patient history to be presented to a dermatologist. Patient's name is DrNurolSai. :P

This complain was 3 weeks ago. Before presenting myself to any doctor, I self-medicate myself by buying topical anti histamine--fenistil. Using this topical cream for 1 week made the lesion worse, so I made an appointment with a dermatologist as my tutor advised me to.
this is how the lesion looks like. see the clearly defined edge of the inflammation? ugly. and it itches to death

need dermatologist consultation? i recommend u Dr Soheir. very x100 nice one :)
There were 2 rooms in the clinic, 1 is for dermatology, and another is for orthopedics. Already surprised by the presence of the-other-room doctor, who is our chief tutor in orthopedics who teaches us everyday in class; we were made much more surprised knowing my dermatologist is actually the wife of his!
and she (my dermatologist) is going to teach us in our next semester. What a small world~

Examination was made. Despite her being a woman, i'm still quite embarrassed to expose some hidden parts I always cover. This must be how patients felt when I checked and do examinations on them. What's worse is that they are being examined by 'a group of students' instead of 'one specialist'. At least now I know how it feels like, and what's worst is when we are to do a VE (vaginal exam), PR (per rectal exam) & maybe breast exam or scrotal exams on men.. !
I hope I'll learn more to respect them.

The dermatologist explained that this might be a 'contact dermatitis', if not allergy. She told me to stop using the topical anti histamine, and said "anti histamine is better taken orally rather than topicals". Okay. Everybody take note. I was prescribed oral anti histamine & topical steroid. I was also told not to continue wearing any creams/lotions, avoid tight cloth at that area, and to come see her after a week for follow up.

medications prescribed

As the busy week of exam comes, I was not able to attend to my 2nd appointment. Hectic study life, with nobody to accompany me to the clinic (which is 10 min by taxi). Well here, all private clinics will only function during night time because doctors are obliged to serve the government hospital duty during the day, and continue working on their private clinics during the night. And the rule for Malaysians here is that; no Malaysian girls are to wander around by themselves during night except with supervision of at least a man. (we call them musyrif)

I went follow up just tonight, with 2 of my classmates which is a husband-and-wife, who are also going to review HER pregnancy with another obstetrician.

About the skin problem that i had, doctor declared good healing except for some hyperpigmentation which she says will resolve in a month or so without treatment. Good for me. She remind me not to use the fenistil again, which she thought might be the perpetuating factor for my 'contact dermatitis'. She said she cannot conclude what the trigger might be; maybe soap, lotion, cloth..

Okay. Enough about skin. Now moving to the obstetric part. This is the first time I went for an antenatal review with any couple. For those who know; THEY are my Abg Azmy & Kak DK. She is already pregnant for 22 weeks. This visit is for review of her baby's condition and if possible, to know the gender of their baby. Unluckily, baby is too shy to turn (I guess she/he is sleeping) to show his/her gender. 'Perhaps u might be embarrassed bcoz aunty is there, huh baby?' ehee.

Bro Azmy said " Beginila nanti kau dgn suamimu dtg jumpa doctor ".. aiyarks.. can't wait for that! :P

There they are, with our tutor who teaches us in our O&G round last semester. Although quarreling over a small thing is this couples' hobby, they actually care much about each other (well of course they are. hehe). As they always quote "this is what's gonna happen when u marry your own best friend" :)

Semoga baby sentiasa sihat dalam kandungan mama, dan mama pun sentiasa sihat menjaga baby dalam ur uterus~

And may we all be blessed with good health always..To keep the body in good health is a duty & the greatest wealth is health!

final thing to say: I'm getting pathologically slender-ER.. *__*

Thursday, June 9, 2011

DST... is the way a country tries to stretch their day. I mean day, with sunlight, with exclusion of night time. Every spring (which means the start of sweaty days), they will add an hour ahead of current time, and every fall, the one hour added will be subtracted back from the current time.(am talking about egypt)

Not all countries practice the same rules as Egypt. Some may subtract an hour, some may add 2 hours, or 20 minutes, or 40 minutes. (i guess this will be much more confusing to the citizen)
Countries like China, India, Japan, and countries without seasons don't apply this DST.

They who had TV in their houses will have no confusion/ difficulty to know the exact time when we are around the transitional time-changing days. Laptops were set for DST but it's not always in line with the real DST the country started. As a consequence, we students always got confused on when to attend classes, and worse when to attend exams! Is it using the old time, or the new time?

I actually was furious about this time-changing, menyusahkan org je!. But as they say, DST can decrease amount of RTA (road traffic accidents), prolonging the time for children to play during the day (like trick or treat during Halloween.. children aren't allowed to trick or treating during night time), decrease use of public electricity.. hurm maybe true. I don't know.

Spring time this year, Egypt had stopped using DST. So starting this year, there's no 5 hours difference for summer & 6 hours difference from winter (compared to Malaysia time).

They completely will abolish the use of DST starting now. better I think. :) But one thing I dislike is the fact that Subuh prayer is as early as 3 o'clock in the morning. We have to adjust our sleeping time in order to be able to get up early for the purpose. At least when the DST is still in use, Subuh prayer will only start at 4 am. Better than 3 am. Psychologically too early.

The thing about abolishing DST was; last year, Ramadhan started on August, but the DST will only end on September. (I only heard the rumors last year about them subtracting 1 hour because of Ramadhan, now only i confirmed by reading the news about it. I was in Malaysia, so what do i care if the time changes.hik3) They practically 'paused' the DST by subtracting one hour for the whole month of Ramadhan (to prevent them fasting one hour longer), and continue adding the 1 hour after the month end. Cool huh?

The other interesting thing is, while Egypt only have one common time for the whole country, Russia on the other hand have 11 different times inside them. (what language is this?)... Imagine you were traveling from Terengganu to Perlis with the need to change your watch timing according to the new place you arrived at. Pelik.. this was because Russia is too big of a country that the time zone changes. It's only recently that Russia reduced their 11 different time zone to only 9.

Malaysia was the case too before, but our government decided to equalize the time for the whole country despite of time zone changing. Syukur!

Terlebih semangat la pulak cerita pasal tukar jam. hee..

source from

Friday, June 3, 2011


"Bahawa Allah mencintai seseorang yang apabila ia mengerjakan sesuatu kerja, ia laksanakan dengan cemerlang." (Hadis riwayat Abu Ya'la)

Rabbi yassir wala tu'assir, Rabbi tammim bilkhair..

*Mak, Abah, exam iffah isnin ni. Tolong doakan aa~ test je, tapi carry mark tu membantu jugak di finals nanti. *

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The first reminder has to do with becoming cognizant about our rights toward our spouses as obligated on us by Allah and His prophet (peace be upon him.) Everything is governed by the laws of Islam.

So, the first reminder is nothing more than to become ever conscious that the moment you entered your marriage, you became obligated to respect your spouse’s rights as defined under those divine laws. Claiming ignorance about those rights or your lack of resolve in upholding those rights therefore is not a valid excuse.

The problem in this regard is usually two fold. First, many couples simply aren’t even aware and knowledgeable about the rights that both husbands and wives have over each other. It’s not uncommon for many to rush into marriages with all the fanfare but neglecting to learn Islamic teachings regarding marriage and the rights that husbands and wives have over each other. It’s only when they hit roadblocks in their marriages that they start seeking those answers. Problems surface because each spouse assumes certain rights over the other and each spouse’s personal interpretation of what’s right or wrong complicates relationships even further.

The second problem is that while many of us may take the time to understand how their partner is not meeting their individual rights, they often neglect to learn their obligations toward the other spouse. Driven selfishly, each spouse gets preoccupied with how their partner isn’t contributing to the relationship rather than realizing how one is deficient in fulfilling their own obligations.

In the daily routine of give and take therefore, if your relationship is hitting hurdles, both of you ought to invest the time and effort to learn about those rights and obligations. Use this reminder to make a permanent mental note to help you become conscious of how knowingly or unknowingly you transgress and violate your spouse’s rights. Remember, you will be questioned about them.

Happy marriage is one in which couples find ways to tackle and resolve challenges without being disrespectful to the other. You can have your tough talks as long as you don’t cross the lines in disrespecting each other. Remember that Islam’s teachings never sanctioned to denigrate human dignity even in times of war then how can we in supposed bonds of love step out of that realm?

To conclude, wives can strive to become what the prophet referred to in this hadith:

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “The entire world is full of resources, and among them the best resource is a RIGHTEOUS WIFE.” (Reported by: Abdullah ibn Amr (r) Source: Sahih Muslim, Vol. 2, #3465)

And for men, the prophet had this to say –

“The most complete believer is the best in character, and the best of you is the BEST TO HIS WOMENFOLK.” (Tirmidhi #1162 and verified)

Let’s learn our rights toward each other and let’s not be disrespectful to the other even when we are dealing with tough situations.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dengan berakhirnya hari Rabu minggu ini, maka tamatlah pengajian Psikologi yang sangat menyeksakan. Sehari dalam dunia Psikologi terasa seperti seminggu!
Bagai mempelajari bahasa baru; bahasa ke-5 setelah Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Jepun, Bahasa Arab, akhir sekali Bahasa Psikologi. Eh kenapa agak lain cara penulisan di post kali ini? Mungkin saya hendak membiasakan diri bermadah & bertatabahasa yang betul kerana pesakit-pesakit yang dijumpa 2 minggu ini sentiasa merosakkan bahasa, dan mencipta bahasa sendiri.

Apa bezanya Psikologi & Psikiatri?
Psikologi.. ialah cara NORMAL manusia berfikir dan bertindak, manakala Psikiatri ialah penyakit2 atau sindrom2 TIDAK NORMAL yang berlaku dalam diri.

Mengapa berlaku penyakit Psikiatri?
1. Faktor genetik; ahli keluarga yang mempunyai sakit seumpamanya akan memberi risiko anak2 untuk mendapat penyakit yang sama.
2. Faktor diri sendiri (coping ability); setiap seorang yang mengalami stres tidak akan memberikan tindakbalas yang sama. Penyakit lebih kerap timbul pada mereka yang kurang daya tahan.
3. Faktor persekitaran. Persekitaran yang agak mengongkong, mengkritik, berfikiran negatif.. Ataupun life events yang mencabar.

Maka berwaspada dan berdoalah agar kita dijauhkan daripada ancaman penyakit Psikiatri ini.
Alhamdulillah, Allazi syafa'na wa afa'na

Berikut adalah antara cerita menarik yang saya suka untuk kongsi:

1. Lelaki, 20-an, belum berkahwin, tidak bekerja: datang ke hospital untuk membuang cip yang dipercayai ditanam di bawah giginya! Untuk mengetahui bagaimana cip ini tertanam di bawah giginya, kami pun memulakan sesi menemuramah: katanya, sebelum beliau balik ke tanah air (mesir), beliau berada di negara lain. Beliau telah menerima premonition/ vision/ future prediction bahawa Revolusi Mesir yang berlaku pada 25 Jan lalu akan berlaku. Beliau mengetahui apa yang akan terjadi kepada presiden serta menteri2. Oleh kerana vision ini, beliau telah ditangkap oleh pihak polis bagi menyoal siasat tentang masa depan negara mesir. Beliau percaya beliau telah di seksa, electrocuted, agar rahsia masa hadapan di bongkarkan. Cip telah ditanam dibawah giginya untuk mengesan keberadaan beliau. Beliau juga tidak boleh berada dekat dengan radio kerana wave dari radio akan mengesan apa yang beliau sedang fikirkan...

How cool is this story? Dx: Skizofrenia

2. Lelaki, 30-an, belum bekahwin, graduan Engineering Faculty. Katanya beliau lain daripada orang lain. Gifted. Dan sebab itu ramai yang cuba melihat jejak langkahnya, dan cuba menculiknya. Beliau juga mendengar orang sekeliling bercakap buruk mengenainya. Calling him names. Katanya; dalam dunia ini, ada Fizik.. Tapi saya ada kuasa Metafizik. Ia adalah kuasa magik yang boleh mengawal minda seseorang, membaca apa yang seseorang sedang fikirkan. Katanya mindanya dikuasai metafizik. Besi aloi dan aluminium akan merendahkan kuasa kepandaiannya melalui radiasi. Ia akan masuk melalui mata. (Untuk itu, beliau melindungi matanya dengan cermin mata plastik yang bingkainya disaluti pita selofan all over). Jangan pakai baju warna merah. Ia akan menarik magik itu lebih dekat kepada kamu.

Woo.. seram jugak dengar. Dx: Skizofrenia

3. Lelaki, 30-an, berkahwin kali kedua. Katanya masalah kerana beliau ada 2 personaliti. Satu dalam sedar, yang satu lagi diluar sedar. Ketika berada dalam personaliti ke-2, beliau akan merasakan pemandangannya kabur dan sakit kepala akan datang, beliau akan memukul bapa, isteri, dan menghamburkan barang2 dalam rumah.(seperti yang bapanya ceritakan.beliau langsung tidak ingat apa yang dilakukan ketika berada dalam personaliti ke-2) Sesedar daripada personaliti ke-2, beliau akan terkejut dengan keadaan rumah yang bersepah dan luka2 pada badan sendiri. Doktor kata, ini mungkin sawan (epilepsy) tapi setelah EEG dibuat, nyata bukan. Ini sakit Psikologi. Triggernya mungkin kerana bapa yang terlalu mengawal anaknya. Baru bercerai dangan isteri pertama, 2 minggu kemudian diatur pula dengan isteri nombor 2.

Dx: Dissociative disorder

4. Wanita, unknown age, and other details (parents dont want to reveal). Datang dengan keadaan tak terurus, dan tidak mahu bergerak. Langsung. Perlu diangkat untuk dibawa kemana-mana. Bawah mata hitam, mungkin insomnia. Kadang2 tak mahu ikut kata langsung, kadang2 pula dia akan buat apa yang kita tak suruh. Kita kata duduk diam2, dia akan pergi balik jalan antara pintu dan kerusi. Tak berhenti. Pelik kan..

Dx: Catatonic schizophrenia

5. Pesakit2 wanita. Kehilangan insan yang tersayang. Berpakaian cantik2, bersolek suka2, berpuisi, bersajak. Over peramah. Tak berhenti bercerita. Sebelum ini, mereka berduka, bersedih, berjalan tanpa hala tuju, wang. Mencari permata yang hilang. Minda mereka menukarkan kejadian dan personaliti sediah tadi kepada personaliti yang over excited. Minda mereka menjadi protektif. Automatik telah memadamkan kisah duka tadi kepada kisah lain. Kasihan..

Dx: Bipolar disorder

Banyak lagi kes.. Bayangkan dalam sehari dapat jumpa 3-4 patient. Banyak cerita. Suka.Duka. Semoga saya dapat mengambil iktibar daripada apa yang berlaku, lapangkan dada, banyakkan berdoa. Semoga dijauhkan daripada gila.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Susah betul takde internet kat rumah ni. Pegi CC petang2 lepas habis kuliah, dah lewat sgt. Pukul 10-11 dah di mesia. Dulu kami tarik internet dr jiran, tapi skrg dia dah taknak buat bisnes dah. CC yang jauh tu pun dah taknak bagi org tarik dari dia. Boleh je nak pakai broadband, tapi ready lah 150LE per month..huhh tak berbaloi buang duit ke situ

Mak ada dapat mesej iffah kan pasal rumah yg kami jumpa tu? Susah baru dapat jumpa yg proper. Rumah lain yang iffah aim tak sempat tengok lagi, dah di kebas org.

Mesej reply mak iffah terima waktu tgh buat deal dengan tuan rumah. Memang agak mahal la.. Tapi takpa lah.Boleh lagi kot revise budget sebab masa depan tak perlu lagi naik teksi pegi kuliah. & xda lif mak..

Iffah dah konfem ambik rumah tu. Tuan rumah tu bekas Hakim. Anak dia sorg doktor, sorg lagi akauntan. At least bolehla cakap english dengan dorg. Banyak jugak duit dia minta sebagai cagaran nak masuk rumah ni, tapi we'll try our best la to impress them with our ability to take good care of our house as we did before. Dorg ada bad experience with the previous tenant, habis rumah tu hancur oleh dorg, smpai bath tub pun boleh pecah..melompat ke apa jugak waktu mandi? Harap2 dapat duit tu balik hujung tahun nanti.

We'll be moving in next month, lepas selesai kerja cat mengecat & pembersihan oleh tuan rumah. Gambar pun nantilah iffah ambik n upload.

Hmm.. macam tulis surat dah. siapa2 yg terbaca ni sila panjangkan kepada mak n abah.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I am back in Egypt already~ so long since i din update the blog, since the riot when internet & other types of connection has been cut off.. sampai sekarang sebab internet tak berpasang2 lagi drumah ni.

In this post, i'll be talking about usage of 'coolfever' for babies. Lama dah my 'tutor yg hensem' (sayang tak sempat bergambar dgn dia) told us about this, but i kept forgotten to write.

Hmm.. talking about fever, what actually happen in our body?

Biasanya, sebelum fever start, there's almost always infection in any site of the body. Normal body system will try to kill the bacteria/virus by increasing our core body temp.. to kill these bad armies!

Ok, for now, baby tengah ada fever. What should mom do?
Putting cool fever patch on the forehead is a good first step.. but.. sebenarnya the best thing to do is putting these patches on areas where capillaries are at their most superficial sites; as under the armpit, neck, and groins (celah paha). Cara ni akan lebih cepat meredakan demam.

The other thing is; orang selalu kata, bila demam selimutkan sampai berpeluh. Kalau dah berpeluh, lepas tu mesti cepat baik. Betul ke? Hmm... betul.. betul kenapa? Sebab peluh yang kita hasilkan tu kan akan tersejat balik ke udara. This evaporation is what's causing cooling of the body.. (ini yang doc sharifah cerita haritu kan, mommy ayep?) Tapi jangan overheat pulak.. bahaya for the brain.

Ada lagi satu, doc kata, lepas mandikan baby, let the skin to dry, takpayah lap pakai towel. Cara ni akan menyejukkan badan baby. Tapi jangan pulak, sampai shivering. Shivering kan cara badan kita untuk menaikkan core temperature.

Okla.. only this i can share at this time..sebab tulis ni bukan through aunty's own lappy, pinjam org punya, dgn internet nya sekali. ngeh3

Next time i'll be writing more.
Oh ya..
Sem ni ialah sem neurology (kali ni belajar pasal tok pulak).. neurosurgery, & rheumatology (tulang2).

Selamat datang tahun 5!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

“Bercinta sebelum berkahwin ini, boleh. Dengan syarat, jangan tanpa apa pandangan Islam. Ia adalah CINTA YANG SUSAH. Saya menyebutnya begitu kerana saya sendiri tidak tahu pasangan kekasih yang mana daripada kalangan sahabat Nabi sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam yang ingin saya ambil sebagai contoh. Cinta di luar perkahwinan adalah seperti membela haiwan liar di luar kandang. Ia adalah cinta yang susah. Masakan tidak… ia adalah cinta yang tiada panduan al-Quran, tiada panduan al-Sunnah.

Apa yang ada hanyalah kebijaksanaan akal masing-masing untuk memanipulasi mana-mana nas al-Quran dan al-Sunnah, sebagaimana lagu “For The Rest Of My Life” dendangan Maher Zain, yang asalnya ditujukan oleh seorang suami kepada seorang isteri, diselewengkan sebagai hadiah Valentine seorang buayafriend kepada gelifriend saya menambah lagi.

original post by

Friday, January 14, 2011

Harini cuti, plan nak stadi sehabis baik, tapi mata ni ngantuk memanjang. So, waktu2 mengantuk ni, update blog best jugak.

Post kali ni simple. Ceritakan balik je apa yg diceritakan oleh doctor dalam kelas haritu.
Haritu tajuk kelas ialah 'How to deliver bad news'.. Ini skills yg diajar untuk pelajar2 medic sekarang, yg not included dalam syllabus pelajar medic terdahulu. At least ada jugak latihan untuk menghadapi hari2 yg susah di masa akan datang. Skills ni jugak included dalam exam akhir tahun. Menjawab dan menyampaikan bad news kepada pelakon2 yg dah dilatih.

Ini cerita doctor:
Waktu tu, saya sedang bertugas di klinik. Seperti biasa, ibu dan bapa akan menemani anak mereka untuk berjumpa dengan doktor. Pesakit saya kali ni mengadu 'stoppage of mensruation'. Perempuan ni berumur dalam 15-16 tahun. Latar belakang pesakit diambil & saya akhirnya membawa pesakit ke bilik ultrasound, suspecting ketumbuhan di ovari dll.
Surprisingly, there's a 3 months old fetus inside her womb!

Kerana ini merupakan kali pertama saya berjumpa dengan kes sebegini, sy tidak tahu bagaimana untuk memberitahu berita yg agak mengejutkan ini. Tambahan lagi, kedua2 ibubapa pesakit ini datang bersama. Saya memberitahu diagnosis kepada rakan sekerja (lelaki) dan memintanya untuk mengambil alih tugas saya. Dia (rakan saya) membawa ibubapa tadi kedalam sebuah bilik tanpa anak mereka dan memberitahu diagnosis dari ultrasound tadi. Apalagi, parents ni pun mengamuklah!

Tak cukup dengan memberitahu ibubapa tanpa memberitahu anaknya terlebih dahulu, kawan sy memanggil pesakit tadi ke dalam bilik dan memarahinya! juga menjerit bertanyakan siapakah ayah baby tersebut!

Habis cerita. Mengikut patient rights, sebenarnya confidentiality patut dijaga, walaupun patient berumur 18 tahun ke bawah. Sepatutnya, doktor tadi memberitahu pesakit tadi je, dr patient la mau bagitau parents dia macam mana.

Bukan ni saja ekstrak dr cerita ni. Terkejut jugak bila dengar cerita mengandung luar nikah di Egypt ni. Egypt kot.. tapi ye lah, nampaknya dimana je kita berada, syaitan tu tetap ada membisik kejahatan dalam telinga manusia. Its the matter of how we handle things carefully.

Satu lagi, doktor kami kata, budak perempuan tu tak cantik langsung! dia pun pelik kenapa budak perempuan yg tak cantik langsung ni, dan sangat down-to-earth, dan sangat naif ni boleh terjebak dalam kes macam ni. Mungkin sebab kenaifan dialah lelaki senang sangat nak pujuk rayu. Kesian.

Oh ya, budak perempuan ni dah buat urine pregnancy test di rumah, tapi negatif. Tu lah dia boleh dengan yakinnya datang klinik dengan parents dia. (Urine pregnancy test ni detect hormon hCG dalam air kencing. hCG akan hilang selepas 10 minggu usia kandungan. Tulah budak ni dapat result negatif)

Beberapa tahun dulu di mesir ni, waktu I was being nice to orang2 yg i meet di tepi jalan; ada sorang pakcik ni. Dia tanya i org mana, dtg sini kenapa. Just to be nice, i answered with smile. Cerita punya cerita, smpai depan apartment dia, boleh2 lelaki ni ajak naik rumah dia. Of course i said no kan.. Then dia patah balik kejar me with my friend yg waktu tu otw nak balik rumah. Siap tarik2 lengan org lagi nak suruh naik pegi rumah dia. N siap kuarkan duit dari poket aa nak tunjuk yg dia ada banyak duit. Tak guna punya pakcik! Nasib baikla waktu tu tgh ramai org. Kami pun buat muka marah n jalan cepat2. Nasib baik dia berhenti kejar. Alhamdulillah Allah nak jauhkan dari bnda2 yang tak baik.

The moral of the story: xpayah la berbaik2 dengan org yg kita tak kenal. Who knows what he had in mind.

suatu ketika dahulu di Egypt;

mak seronok tgk banyak sayur

cauliflower itu berharga 50 sen


isk..pasar yg kotor

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