
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What are considered good attitude?, and what are those considered bad? On whose or which perspective should we look upon to weigh this matter?

Some look at certain religion to accuse the believer are as bad. We don't judge people by his religion, as the world shows-- there are as many as thousands of bad Muslims all over the world and there are also good Jews. Many muslims are bad, but does it mean Islam preaching is bad? Not at all..

We see a person based on individual attitude, morals, behaviour.

enough of a kindness?

Terjemahan hadith nabi:
"Dari al-Nawwas bin Sim'an radiyallahu anh dari Nabi saw sabdanya: Kebaikan itu adalah elok budi pekerti. Dan dosa itu ialah apa yang tergetar dalam diri engkau dan engkau benci bahawa di lihat oleh manusia kepadanya. Diriwayatkan oleh Muslim.

Dan dari Wabisat bin Ma'bad radiyallahu anh katanya: Aku datang kepada Rasulullah saw lalu ia bertanya: Engkau datang bertanya dari kebaikan? Aku menjawab: Ya! Ia berkata: Mintalah fatwa hati engkau. Kebaikan itu ialah apa yang mententeramkan diri engkau kepadanya dan mententeramkan juga kepadanya hati. Dan dosa itu ialah apa yang bergetar dalam diri dan ragu dalam dada, sekalipun berfatwa kepada engkau oleh manusia dan mereka telah berfatwa dengan menyalahinya. Hadith hasan, Kami meriwayatkannya dalam Musnad dua imam, iaitu Ahmad bin Hanbal dan al-Darimi dengan sanad yang baik."

(from Hadith 40. Translated by Ust Mustafa Abd Rahman)

Sometimes we face such situations, which force us to do improper deeds. Family of a non-muslim patient come to us from god-knows-where, crying hysterically, suddenly hugging us, mentioning my brother just died~.. panic.
Should we say; ohh dont touch me, I'm not to be touched by non-mahram..? <-- am not being a liberalis here.. just creating a situation As our prophet advice, on how to differentiate good deeds from bad; ask yourself. ("Mintalah fatwa hati engkau"). Think about the how clear the hukm states this or is it syubhah or else?..when it is syubhah; follow your heart, it's your call, because as long as your heart are in peace --you are in the right track. Finally here.. just something I got from the lecture today:
Ethical awareness of the sixth dynasty period (~2345 BC)

I spoke truly; I did right;
I spoke fairly; I repeated fairly;
I seized the right moment,
so as to stand well with people.
I judged between two so as to content them;
I rescued the weak from one stronger than he
as much as was in my power.
I gave bread to the hungry, clothes ...;
I brought the boatless to land.
I buried him who had no son;
I made a boat for him who lacked one.
I respected my father; I pleased my mother;
I raised their children.

*If only people today act like what stated..

Monday, October 19, 2009

If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
~just a quote to ponder~

I just accidentally ran into this quote while downloading notes from my mail. Most of us tend to react to some problem we face, as if its the end of the if there's nothing to be done, except there's really nothing to be done; like curing a terminal cancer patient.

Setiap penyakit ada penawarnya, setiap dugaan ada hikmahnya, setiap masalah ada penyelesaiannya. Oh, tak setuju dengan setiap penyakit ada penawarnya. Tapi yang ke2 n ke3 tu betullah, dan bukan semua penyelesaiannya adalah marah! Knocking nails with hammer~ See things positively, think effectively, weight the pros and cons before acting. Biasanya kalau kita mengamuk sebab terlampau ikutkan hati, akhirnya kita mesti akan menyesal, but there's no turning back.

Allah takkan uji kita dengan sesuatu yang kita tak mampu kita hadapi. Betul? and when there comes time when we feel like the whole world is on our shoulder, we'll know how strong we are to be able to face em. Its in our head..its the matter of how we color our life.
Take Care!

Monday, October 12, 2009

"They live in the past...", kata doctor Gamal, doctor yang bagi lecture acute and chronic liver failure pagi tadi.

"They took herbs that were never proven non-toxic, to treat their diseases instead of taking drugs that were prescribed by their doctors.."
Doctor ni tengah cerita pasal rakyat Egypt yang masih tak mau berubah, masih nak ikut cara orang lama, walaupun teknologi perubatan sekarang dah hebat. Masalah sakit jantung, hati, buah pinggang, semuanya nak pakai herba-herba yang dijual di pasaran. Yang diberi doctor semuanya tak baik bagi dorang. Hasilnya, bukan saja sakit tak baik-baik, malah makin teruk, di tambah lagi dengan toxic yang dibawa oleh herba. "All herbs are toxic until proved otherwise!".. doctor tambah lagi.."and to be fair, people like this also exist in your countries".. with his index finger pointing at us, the Malaysian, Saudian and Syrian students.

"People who work in the pharmacy aren't pharmacist at all, but then still they act like they knew things better than doctors who prescribe drugs for patients to buy.."
Pekerja-pekerja farmasi di sini katanya suka mengubah prescription doctor kepada drugs yang lebih mahal, kononnya kesannya lebih 'kuat'.. sedangkan dorang xtau pun history penyakit patient tu. Kesian kepada mereka yang tiada latarbelakang perubatan yang taktau bahaya yang dorang bakal hadapi.. Egypt..Egypt..duit punya pasal, hak orang tak terjaga.

"Cadaveric organ transplant is done in Iran, a country of high Muslim population.. also in Indonesia and Malaysia, both with high Muslim population.. even in Saudi Arabia, the highest Muslim population in the world do cadaveric transplant.. but it is not done here in Egypt, because some Syeikh said its haram".. doctor tambah lagi dengan penuh emosi. Marah betul doctor dengan negara dia sendiri.

Cadaveric organ transplant ni pemindahan organ dari 'brain-dead' patient.. prognosis untuk pesakit survive dengan new cadaver organ ni sampai 60-80%-- which is big indeed. Sebelum patient yang 'brain-dead' tadi kena declare dead, they took away the organs, atas kebenaran pesakit atau waris la..sebab brain-dead patient is dead indeed.
Tapi still, its not done in Egypt, atas ethical issues, macam masalah pengguguran baby dikalangan mangsa yang diperkosa.
Patutnya masalah ni dimusyawarahkan la oleh ulama seluruh dunia, ambil satu persetujuan. Macam mana boleh di negara Islam ni, benda ni haram.. tapi di negara Islam lain, benda ni dah lama dijalankan. Macam Islam ni kena ubah hukum pulak dimana tanah dipijak. betul ke?

Lapang jugak rasa hati bila ada penduduk di sini cakap kebenaran yang dia tak suka pasal negara dia. Sebab selama ni bila kami komen pasal salah silap negara ni, dorang sentiasa backing..alasan itu ini, walaupun tau, memang dah terang lagi bersuluh salah. Semoga ramai lagi yang develop kesedaran macam ni!

ermm..itu ja la untuk first post. ngehee..
*Hmm.. bila dah duduk di sini, terpaksa la sesuaikan diri dengan cara sini. Asyik nak melatah, memang payah la nak idup..
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